Biodegradable plastic resins – Biopolymer can completely apply Blow molding, Extrusion molding, Injection molding to create products such as bottles, straws, knives, spoons, forks, mugs,…

Biodegradable plastic resins apply the blow molding.
What is the blow molding ?
The blow molding burns the biodegradable plastic resins at 500°F. And then they’re pushed through straight shaping slots to form a thin tube. Air is brought in through a hole in the center of the mould to inflate the tube. Above is arranged a high-speed air ring to cool the finished product.
Product application
Products applying the blow molding made from biodegradable plastic resins as plastic bags, bottles,…

Biodegradable plastic resins apply the Extrusion molding.
What is the Extrusion molding ?
The Extrusion molding is a process of putting the heat-processed biodegradable plastic resins into a funnel and then moved to a screw. Molten biodegradable plastic resins will be passed through a gap of constant cross-section to shape. Finally, The finished product is done by cooling.down.
Product application
Products applying the extrusion molding made from biodegradable plastic resins as straws, plastic pipes,…

Biodegradable plastic resins – Biopolymer apply the Injection molding .
What is Injection molding
The Injection molding is the process of melting the plastic resins. Next, the melted plastic resins will be injected into the existing mould. Then it will fill the melted plastic and clamp the mold into the existing plastic mold by high pressure. Lastly, The end product will be harden by cooling.
Product application
Some products are made from biodegradable plastic resins such as mugs, knives, plates, spoons,…

Most of it comes from nature, the biodegradable plastic resins have the same features as traditional PP/PE. Biopolymer will catch the “green” trend, step by step becoming the solution to environmental issues in the future
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