Many people assume that all bioplastics are made from plants and utterly decomposes in natural condition. If you dig deeper, you’ll learn more about what bioplastics are and how they break down. Biopolymer will show you some perspective on bioplastics.

1. Bioplastics from perspectives

The term “Bioplastics” is actually used for two things : Bioplastics (plastics made at least partially from biological matter) and biodegradable plastic (plastic can be completely decayed by bacteria within a particular time frame and specific conditions).

Not all bioplastics are biodegradable. Also, not all biodegradable plastics come from biological origin. Even biodegradable plastics can’t biodegrade in the environment. Does it confuse you?

Bioplastic made from Biopolymer coffee grounds
Bioplastic made from Biopolymer coffee grounds

“There are a lot of bioplastics or materials that are called bioplastics that are not biodegradable,” says Constance Ißbrücker, head of environmental affairs at the industry association European Bioplastics.

For some plastics, the same polymer chains are made from renewable sources. The resulting bioplastics are chemically the same as their fossil counterparts, for instance PT  — short for polyethylene terephthalate Most bottles are made from it. This fossil fuel can be synthesized from fossil fuel products or plants like sugarcane. The resulting material is the same. Non-biodegradable bioplastics function in the environment just like regular plastic and exist for an unknown but long amount of time.

BioPBS life cycle
BioPBS life cycle

Not even that, nowadays, there’s no standards for plastic labeled as biodegradable or compostable makes them suitable for disposal in the open environment. Can bioplastics plan an important role in resolving environmental problems ? The best answer is, it depends.

2. Appropriate applications

Plastics that are sold on the market as “biodegradable” will contribute to plastic pollution if they’re lost or throw garbage indiscriminately. Plastic does not decompose quickly and completely in the environment as the term implies. 

Therefore, they can harm wildlife and ecosystems But there are a few applications where using biodegradable plastics may provide a net benefit to the environment.

Some applications from bioplastics in European countries
Some applications from bioplastics in European countries

In some countries, bags which break down under industrial conditions are used to collect organic waste.they can provide cleaner paper bags and a convenient way than disposable containers so that people can collect leftovers to make compost.

Enzo Favoino, a waste management expert at the Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza in Italy and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of Zero Waste Europe, believes in this way to go. Fewer organics in the trash means less fermentation, allowing waste management managers to come by less often to pick up the trash. He said” This can not only save money but also boost the recycling rates of other materials such as paper, glass, plastic and metal.” Therefore, in the future, the use of bioplastics will be more invested.

3. Using cups made from Biopolymers coffee grounds is a good way?

The answer is “Yes”

Stuff made from coffee grounds has been certified as product safety for health through rigorous testing. Besides, it also helps to improve the current alarming pollution situation

Biopolymers production process of bioplastic products.
Biopolymers production process of bioplastic products.

Biopolymer has launched a collection of objects made from coffee grounds: bathroom accessories, pens, cutlery sets, antibacterial masks,… All made from biological materials – bio composite – 50% coffee grounds. Continuing the journey of developing products made from coffee grounds. Togo cup and AirX Coffee are considered descendants of previous clean products and are being well appreciated by our consumers.

Production process of bioplastic products - Biopolymer
Production process of bioplastic products – Biopolymer

4. Purchase Policy

Bioplastics are a bright spot in the solution to reduce plastic waste or further replace traditional plastic completely. The investment in the development of product lines from bioplastics contributes to improving public health and the surrounding environment. And using related products is also appreciated in the consciousness for the future green generation

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